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Authority Private

Father, restore authority to your church once again.

Jesus had authority. The Bible records that people marveled at Jesus because he taught as one having authority and not as the scribes.

The apostles had authority. They cast out demons, they healed the sick, and they performed mighty miracles.

The apostle Peter had authority. He simply spoke the word and Ananias and Sapphira immediately dropped dead because of their deception.

The church in America also had authority at one time. Preachers and churches and the Bible used to be respected in our nation.

But today our authority seems to have vanished.

Father forgive us. The truth is that we lost our authority because of our sin, just like the children of Israel lost the battle at Ai because of the sin of Achan.

We have wandered from the right path. We have forsaken your commandments. We have allowed disobedience and pride and lukewarmness and secret sins to grow in our churches and as a result we have lost our authority.

Father forgive us and cleanse us and bring discipline where it is needed. Do not spare the rod. Do whatever you need to do to restore your church to the authority that it had when you first poured out your Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost.

Raise up men with apostolic authority to lead us and to bring unity and purity back to your church again. And let mighty miracles be performed once again through your people. Cause your word to be respected and believed again. Restore the fear of the Lord. And let your name be exalted and magnified throughout the whole world.

And Father, if it truly is my destiny to be one of the 12 latter rain apostles, then make me a man of authority.

Cleanse me and purify my heart so I can be worthy to have this authority. Give me the power to command others and to expect them to obey. And give me the power to punish them for their disobedience when they do not obey. Cause the fear of me to enter the hearts of everyone around me. And give me the ability to do signs and wonders and mighty miracles that will bring glory to your name.



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