



Father, in Jesus name, I pray that divorces will cease in this nation.

I pray for the healing of every marriage. I pray that both partners will humble themselves before you and that they will learn how to forgive one another and how to live together in peace.

Soften their hearts and heal the wounds inside of them that are fueling their anger and causing the desire to end their relationship.

Open their hearts to see the truth about their situation and about themselves and about the other person. Cause them to see how Satan has deceived them into believing things that are not true about the other person in order to break up their relationship. 

Furthermore, I pray for the health and safety of all the children in these homes. And I pray that every family member will have a life changing salvation experience that will transform their lives and their homes and will draw them closer to you and closer to one another.

I also pray that, whenever possible, marriages which have already been broken by divorce may be healed and restored.



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