



Father, I pray for your will to be accomplished in all of the primary and general elections this nation. I pray that the best candidates will be elected to each office in every district. I pray that godly men and women will be elected who will lead this nation in a path toward righteousness and justice.

I pray that there will be little or no voter fraud in our elections and that if there is, that the fraud will be exposed and properly dealt with. I pray that the mail in ballots will not cause votes to be lost or destroyed. And I pray that no election results will be effected by any voter fraud.

I also pray regarding voter turn out. I pray that Christians will go to the polls and vote and that they will encourage their fellow believers to vote as well. I pray that the Christians in this nation will feel a civic and God given responsibility to make their opinions known and that nothing will occur that would prevent them from voting for the candidates and issues they believe in. I pray that you will lead them by your spirit to vote for the right candidates and issues on the ballot.

But I also pray that the people who are knowingly supporting evil causes and candidates will not vote and that they will not encourage others to vote.

Father, your word says that righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people. May our election process result in a strong move toward righteousness in this nation. May we repent and return to the God of our fathers. And may your blessings rest upon this nation once again.



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