


Exposing Secret Sins

Jesus taught that every deed done in secret and every hidden sin will be revealed. Therefore, in Jesus name, I pray that all of the secret sins in this country will be exposed. Bring them out into the light so they can be seen and judged and dealt with so our nation can be healed.

Expose those people who have secretly infiltrated our churches and our government and other places of public trust and who are intentionally working to oppose you and your plan for this world.

Expose the liars and the ones who are practicing witchcraft and those people who are perverting justice and the ones who are secretly working to destroy our nation. Remove these evil people from their positions of influence and power. Expose their plans and their goals and cause them to be stopped.

But also give these evil people the opportunity to repent and to turn to you for forgiveness and cleansing. Open their eyes to see the damage that they have done to themselves and to others because of their evil deeds. May they truly seek you with their whole hearts and may you remove their sins and cleanse their lives and set them on fire for the Lord Jesus Christ.

But if they choose to continue in their sins then let the doers of these evil deeds suffer the appropriate consequences of their actions. Expose and remove these evil people so our land may be cleansed and so your blessings may be restored to this nation.



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