


Family & Loved Ones

Father, I thank you for my family and friends. And I thank you for sending the Lord Jesus Christ into the world to be our Savior and Lord. On behalf of my family and friends I claim all of the promises and blessings that are available through the Lord Jesus for me and for my family and my loved ones.

I plead the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ for our cleansing and forgiveness. I plead the stripes of the Lord Jesus Christ for our healing. And I plead his hanging on the tree for our redemption from all of the curses that have bound us and afflicted us. Pour out the blessings of Abraham upon me and my loved ones.

Send your holy angels to protect me and the ones I care about. Thank you for providing a hiding place and a refuge for me and all of my loved ones.

Father, I pray that you will bless and protect all of my family members and loved ones. Bless them with your grace and peace and with your joy and favor. Give them good health and prosperity.

Provide for all their financial needs and cause every member of my family to become debt free and to remain debt free. Give every member of my family a consistent and adequate income. And give them a safe and permanent place to live and a reliable running vehicle.

Protect them from all danger and from the attacks of Satan and his demons. Give all of my family members and loved ones a new heart. Lead all of my family members into your will for their lives, but do not lead them into situations where they might be tempted to sin. Cause them to walk in love. May every member of my family receive the love of the truth and may truth be strong in every one of my family members.

Father, for every member of my family I pray for holiness, for conviction of sin, for repentance and brokenness, for humility and for the fear of the Lord.

Father, deliver my family members from all addictions and have mercy on my loved ones and forgive them and cleanse them from all their transgressions. Give all of my family members happy and stable marriages. Increase our faith. Deliver us from depression and discouragement.

Give all of my family members godly friends and coworkers who will influence them in the ways of righteousness and holiness. Keep my family members away from those people who could influence them to turn away from you. Give my family members the discernment to recognize those evil people and give them the strength of character to avoid them.  

Increase our faith and give every member of my family a strong hunger to know God that results in a life changing salvation experience through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. And give them lives that are pleasing to you and that bring honor and glory to your name.



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