



Father, your word says that God has not given us the spirit of fear.

And yet people in this country and all around the world have been gripped with fear recently. Fear has caused us to hide in our homes and hoard food and toilet paper. Fear has disrupted our lives, closed our businesses and collapsed our economy. Fear has shut down our churches. And fear has caused us to give up our constitutional rights without a fight.

Fear is an enemy who needs to be faced and fought and defeated.

Father, your word says that God has not given us the spirit of fear, but he has given us the spirit of power, the spirit of love and the spirit of a sound mind.

Therefore, in Jesus name, I bind the spirit of fear. I bring the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ against fear and I command fear to loosen me and my loved ones from its control. In Jesus name, spirit of fear, I bind you and I command you to leave and to go to the pit.

In Jesus name, I call forth the spirit of power. I say to the spirit of power, come! Come spirit of power and drive out fear and all his companions. Drive out fear from my life and from the lives of all my family members and loved ones.

Father, your word says that perfect love casts out fear. Work in our lives to make our love more perfect so we can live our lives free from fear and so we can be more like you in every way.

Therefore, in Jesus name, I call forth the spirit of love. I say to the spirit of love, come to me and to all my family members and loved ones. Fill our hearts with the love of God. Fill us with love for all our family members and friends. Fill our hearts with love for the unsaved and the unchurched people around us. And also fill our hearts with love for the ones who have hurt us and mistreated us.

In Jesus name, I also call forth the spirit of a sound mind. Give me and my loved ones a sound mind, Oh Lord. I say to this spirit, come to me and to all my loved ones and give us the ability to think clearly and calmly and rationally.

I also call forth the spirit of truth to drive out the lies and the liars so I and my loved ones can see the truth about our circumstances and can respond appropriately.

Father, your word says that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but they are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.

Therefore, in Jesus name I pull down any and every stronghold of fear in my life and in the lives of all my family members and loved ones.

In Jesus name, I declare that my mind will be filled with the thoughts of the Lord Jesus Christ. I, therefore, surrender myself to you, father, and to your lordship in every way. Drive out fear from my life and fill me with faith.

I call forth the spirit of faith. Come spirit of faith. Fill me and all my loved ones with faith, Oh Lord. Increase our faith so we can walk boldly in obedience to your will. May the name of Jesus be exalted in our lives in every way. And may your perfect will be accomplished in our lives at all times.



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