



Lord, in Jesus name, I pray that the spirit of justice will come to this country in great power and will sweep away the massive injustice we currently have in our nation. I proclaim justice over this nation and I declare that justice will rain down upon the United States of America. I pray that real justice will become the norm in all courts in this country in every jurisdiction and on every level.

Lord, concerning the wicked leaders in our nation who knowingly use the law to do mischief, I pray that they will be stopped. I pray that they will be exposed. Give them an opportunity to repent. But if they will not repent then I pray that you will do what you promised in your word and that you will remove these wicked people from power.

Lord, cause every person working in our legal system to be consciously aware of the fact that they are accountable to God for their actions in the court.

Let them understand that God will personally review every case and that He will render a final and just verdict. Let them understand that God will overturn the unjust verdicts and that He will punish the people who have perverted justice while on the earth.

Let there be a solemn and a reverential fear of God that motivates the people working in our legal system to do real justice at all times in their courtrooms.

Restore true justice and holiness. Heal our nation, Oh Lord. Cleanse us and forgive us and let your favor rest upon our nation once again.



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