


The Latter Rain

The time of the latter rain is rapidly approaching. The great harvest of souls at the end of the church age is growing near. Father, send forth laborers into your harvest. And raise up latter rain apostles to lead us as we reach out with the gospel of the kingdom to this lost world around us.

Cleanse these men with the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and fill them with your Holy Spirit. Cover them and equip them with the whole armor of God. And give them the strength they will need to resist the devil’s temptations and to live a righteous life. Give them wisdom and understanding. Give them good health and adequate human and financial resources so they can do the job that you are calling them to do.

Anoint these men with power to perform miracles and signs and wonders. And cause all the true believers everywhere to accept their authority and to respect them and to obey them so they can bring unity to your church and so they can lead the body of Christ into the final harvest time before our Lord’s return.



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