



Lord, I pray that you will do many signs and wonders and mighty miracles through your people. I pray that these miracles will be so well documented and so undeniable that people will be forced to acknowledge your power. And I pray that when they see these miracles that they will believe that you are real and they will trust in Jesus Christ as their savior.

(Below are some impossible prayers that could only become reality by a miraculous act of God himself. Feel free to add some more impossible prayers to this list when you pray.)
  • Joni Eareckson Tada - I pray that you will heal Joni Eareckson Tada in a very dramatic and public way so that she will walk and dance again while she is still living in this world. And let people all over the world hear about it and believe in you and believe in your power.
  • Arizona State University - Father, Arizona State University is the largest university in this nation and it hosted a Christian rally of tens of thousands of people in January of 2020. I pray that you will send a revival to this campus that will be so powerful that they will have to cancel classes for a time to attend to their spiritual needs. Let amazing miracles be done by both faculty and students. Then let this revival spread to schools all over this nation.
  • Moon Turn Around - Father, I pray that the moon will turn around slowly over a period of some weeks and then stop so we can see the far side of the moon from the earth.
  • Create New Planets - I pray that you will create one or more new planets in our solar system and that we will be able to watch as it happens.
  • Nick Vujicic - This amazing man was born without arms or legs. Father, I pray that you will grow arms and legs for him.
Father, I know that these prayers are all impossible and that these things cannot happen. They are not humanly possible. But I believe that the Bible is your word and it tells me that you are the God of the impossible. Your word says that nothing is impossible for you. So I am praying these impossible prayers anyway. You can do anything. May you be glorified by whatever you choose to do.



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