


National Sins

I confess our sins to you, Oh Lord. The truth is that the people in my nation have turned away from you and your commandments. We have turned our backs on the true and living God and we have ignored and allowed and even embraced the sinful practices of the world around us.

We have allowed prayer and Bible reading and Bible memory to be taken out of our schools. We have allowed legalized abortion on demand and same sex marriages. We have allowed prayer and the Ten Commandments to be removed from public places. We have sought pleasure instead of the knowledge of God. We have set up idols of money and power and fame and have worshipped and served them instead of the true God who made us and who alone gives us our very life and breath. And we have persecuted and punished the righteous and rewarded the wicked.

Even our religious activities have become dry and lifeless rituals instead of a vibrant personal relationship with the true and living God.

Forgive our sins, Oh Lord. Open our eyes to see our sins and their dreadful consequences. Grant us conviction and a sincere and deep repentance. Break our hearts. Have mercy on us and wash us clean with the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Send a revival, Oh Lord. Restore true holiness and justice to our land. Let the fire of God fall upon all of the churches in my region and let that fire spread to churches all around the state and all around the nation.



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