


News Media

Father, there have been many allegations made recently about dishonesty in our news media. If these allegations are true, I pray that the truth will be revealed. Let undeniable evidence surface to prove the allegations. And let the people who are responsible for these lies and deceptions be brought to justice and be removed from their places of influence.

But if these allegations are false, then I pray that these false allegations will cease.

Restore truth and integrity to our news media. And let the people in this nation be able to feel once again that we can trust the people who are reporting the news to us.

Raise up an army of investigative reporters, like we used to have in this nation, who will search diligently until they uncover the truth. I pray that truth will prevail and that people will believe the truth when it is uncovered.

Jesus said, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” Father, bless us with truth and make us a free people once again.



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