



We have a passion for prayer.

But we are burdened because there is so little praying being done in the churches in America today.

The Bible is clear on the subject of prayer. God has all the power needed to do anything that needs to be done to carry out His plan for this world. He even has the power to work miracles when He chooses to do them. But for reasons known only to God Himself, He has chosen to limit Himself to answering the prayer of His children.

The bottom line is that if we don't pray, God won't answer. And we won't get the blessings that God wants to give us.

We believe that every church should have a minister of prayer on staff. We have janitors, musicians, business administrators, counselors, and people to visit the sick on the staff of our churches. And these things are all good. In fact, we need more of them. But the question has to be asked "Isn't prayer at least as important as these other ministries?" If the answer is "yes" we have to ask the next obvious question "Why don't more churches have a minister of prayer on their staff?"

Our nation is in crisis. We are in a moral freefall. We are in a financial crisis. Our leaders have demonstrated that they do not know what to do or that they do not have the political will to do what is right. We need prayer right now. And we need it badly.

God has amazing plans for this world. And He is able to do anything He chooses to do. We need to get serious about this matter of prayer. Our future and the future of our children depends upon it.



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