



Send a revival, Oh Lord. Rend the heavens and let your glory come down.

Let the fire of God fall upon me and upon my family and upon my church and upon the region where I live. Let the fire of God fall upon my state and on my nation. And let the fire of God fall upon all of God’s people throughout the whole world.

Let your glory fill our churches. Let your glory fill our homes. Let your glory fill our nation. And let your name be exalted and magnified throughout the whole world.

May the worldwide body of Christ wake up from our sleep and lethargy. Open our eyes and show us the fields that are ripe and ready for the harvest. May the body of Christ be healed and may we rise up as a mighty army to be the lights in this dark world that you put us here to be. 

Help us to do the work that you have called us to do. Give us boldness to preach your word without fear. Fill us with your Holy Spirit, Oh Lord, and send forth laborers into your harvest.



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