


Simple Prayers

The following are a series of simple one sentence prayers on a variety of subjects

Jesus, the Anointed One

• I believe Jesus came in the flesh and was born of a virgin.

• I believe Jesus successfully resisted every temptation and lived a completely sinless life.

• I believe Jesus died for my sins on the cross of Calvary.

• I believe Jesus rose from the dead on the third day.

• I believe Jesus ascended into heaven and is sitting at the right hand of God where He serves as my defense attorney.

• I believe I have forgiveness and cleansing from sin through the shed blood of Jesus.

• Jesus is my savior and I am a member of His body and of the Bride of Christ.

• I enter boldly into the presence of God through the shed blood of Jesus.

God’s Attributes

• God is holy and He commands His people to be holy also.

• Lord, You have a mighty arm, Your hand is strong, and Your right hand is high.


• I cover myself, my family and my possessions with the blood of Jesus.

• I cover myself and my family with the whole armor of God.

• Let the fire of God surround and protect me and my family from all danger.

• Let the fire of your presence be released in my life and in my family.

• Lord, surround me and my family with Your shield of protection.

• I and my family are strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.


• I am growing in wisdom and strength and in favor with God and with man.

• Favor me and my family, Lord, and let Your strong right arm bring us into our inheritance.

• Give me and my family favor with everyone who is in authority over us.

• Give me and my family favor with everyone who can help us financially.

• Let your showers of blessing be upon me and my family.


• Purify me and my family with your fire, O Lord.

• Baptize me and my family with the Holy Spirit and with fire.

• On behalf of myself and my family I renounce, in Jesus name, all addiction to drugs, alcohol, food, and any legal or illegal substance that has us in bondage.

• On behalf of myself and my family I renounce and break off all ungodly soul ties and immoral relationships, in the name of Jesus.

• Let the spirits of lust, incest, fantasy, adultery, perversion and other sexual sins be destroyed with Your fire and let them be removed from me and my family.

• Cleanse me and my family from pride, selfishness, rebellion, disobedience, addiction, blindness, dishonesty, unforgiveness, anger and fear.

• I repent of my sins and I receive Your forgiveness and cleansing through the blood of Jesus.

• My conscience is purged from dead works to serve the living God through the blood of Jesus.


• Let fear and dread fall upon the enemy by the greatness of Your power.

• Scatter Your enemies, O Lord, and put them to shame.

• Let them be ashamed and confounded who seek after my soul.

• Let them be turned backward and put to confusion who desire my hurt.

• Awake Lord, and put on strength as in the ancient days and wound the serpent.

• Cast down the enemies, Lord, so they are not able to rise again.

Spiritual Freedom

• On behalf of myself and my family I release the power and authority of the Lord against all demons we encounter, in the name of Jesus.

• Let the power of Your anger be released against the powers of darkness.

• In Jesus name, I bind and cast out all lying spirits that would deceive me and my family and cause us harm.

• In the name of Jesus I bind and remove the spirits of hatred, murder, suicide and self-destruction from my family.

• Lord, cause all hidden devils in our lives to be exposed and removed, in the name of Jesus.

• I tear down the strongholds of Satan and I smash the plans of Satan that have been formed against me and my family.

• I bind and cast out all evil and unclean spirits from me and my family, in Jesus name.


• Lord, cause me and my family to see and understand and believe the truth.

• Deliver me and my family from all double-mindedness and schizophrenia.

• Deliver me and my family from confusion, misunderstanding and deception.

• Cause us to love the truth. Help me and my family to walk in the truth so we can fulfill the will of God for our lives.


• Jesus became poor, so that through His poverty, I might become rich.

• I break all curses of poverty, lack, failure and debt, in Jesus name.

• I speak to the mountain of debt and I command it to be removed and to be cast into the sea, in the name of Jesus.

• Because I love wisdom, I will inherit substance and my bank accounts will be filled.

• Lord, let there be enough income from one job so we can afford to support our entire family with just one income.

• It is God who gives me the power to get wealth.

• The wealth of the sinners is laid up for the just.


• Lord, equip me and my family for the ministry You have planned for us.

• Give me and my family a servant’s heart and a passion for the salvation of souls.

• Open doors of ministry for me and my family.

• I and my family are anointed and empowered to do any ministry that God is calling us to do.

• I and my family are anointed to preach, to teach, to heal and to cast out demons.

• Anoint me to do signs and wonders and mighty deeds.


• Lord, turn every curse sent my way into a blessing.

• In the name of Jesus, I loose myself and my family from every curse and negative word spoken against us.

• I break and cancel the curses of the Buddhist monks in Vietnam.


• Jesus is the great physician. By His stripes, we are healed.

• Lord, bless me and my family with good health and long life.


• Lord, give me and my family members life-long friendships that are deep, meaningful, satisfying, empowering and pleasant.

• Lord, bless and protect my friends in the same way that You bless and protect me and my family.

• Lord, empower me to forgive and to do good to my enemies, so my enemies become my friends.

Wounded Spirit

• Lord, deliver me and my family from the curse of a wounded spirit.

• Deliver us from shame and reproach and remove all feelings of guilt and condemnation.

• Drive out all feelings of rejection, isolation, withdrawal, loneliness and helplessness.

• Heal me and my family from the anger we feel inside and give us the ability to forgive those who have hurt us.

• Lord, I choose right now to forgive all of the people who have hurt me.

• Lord, please bind the tormenters and drive them away from me and my family.

• Cause me to not be ashamed or afraid to seek the outside help I need.

Iniquity & Generational Curses

• I renounce and forsake every sin and iniquity of my ancestors.

• I cancel, through the blood of Jesus, every generational curse passed down from our ancestors that are affecting my life and my family.

• Bring wholeness to me and my family, O Lord.


• Let me and my family live together in peace and harmony and let us view each other with an attitude of humility, respect, kindness and good will.

• Make us a generous family who enjoy giving our time and our money to those in need and who love to give financially to worthy ministries.

• Lord, give me and my family members jobs that will be satisfying, empowering, fulfilling, and suitable to our talents and abilities.

• Let us work together as a family in unity toward a common goal.

• Lord, have mercy on me and my family and let goodness and mercy follow me all the days of my life.


• Give me and my family the spirit of wisdom and revelation and let the eyes of our understanding be enlightened.


• Lord, help me and my family members to recognize who is in authority over us and to submit to those proper authorities.

• Help me and my family to submit with an attitude of humility and cooperation.

• Lord, give me the grace to resist and shake off all illegitimate authority that has held me captive.


• Let the glory of the Lord be revealed to my nation and let all flesh see it together.

• I pray that our leaders will be just and will rule in the fear of the Lord.

• Cause the leaders of my nation to acknowledge God, to love Your word, and to serve Jesus Christ in everything they do.

• Remove the corruption from our legal system and restore it again to a system of justice and righteousness.

• Send the Spirit of Justice and the Spirit of Burning to my nation, O Lord.

• Let justice be done in our family, our community, our courts and our nation.

• Let the wicked and every evil person be removed out of my nation.

• God bless America.



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