

It's Time For
The Army Of God To Stand Up And Act Like An

For too long
we have acted
like entertainers preparing for a picnic rather than
soldiers preparing
for a war.




We have been born into a war zone. It is not a war with guns and bullets. It is a spiritual war. It is a war in heavenly places. It is a war against an unseen enemy. Nevertheless, it is a very real war and the results of this war directly influence the physical world around us.

This is a war between God and the devil and it has been going on for thousands of years. On the human level it is a war that is being fought primarily through prayer. For those of us who profess to be Christians, we have been born into this war and we need to act like people who are in a war.

We need to resist the devil in our spheres of influence: our children, our churches, our places of business, our neighborhoods - wherever God has planted us.

If we do this and if we put on the armor that God has given us to fight with, we can resist the devil and we can win. But if we bury our heads in the sand like an ostrich and tell ourselves that there is no devil and there is no war, then we have no chance of winning the battle.

And the choice is ours.

We can either take God’s word seriously, prepare ourselves for the battle, and obey the clear command of scripture to resist the devil, or we and our children will end up being among the casualties in this war.

Unfortunately, many of us in America are like the people in the church of Laodicea in Revelation chapter 3. We are rich, we are increased in goods, and we mistakenly think that we have need of nothing. And all the while, Satan is running roughshod over us because of our lukewarmness.

And we don’t even know why we are experiencing the problems we have. We don’t know that the reason that our children are in rebellion, that our morals are in a freefall, that our nation is under attack, and that our economy is in crisis, is because we have buried our heads in the sand and we have refused to obey the clear teaching of scripture to resist the devil. And until we repent and take personal responsibility for our failure in this area, there is no hope that we will ever find a lasting solution to the serious social, economic, and political issues facing our nation.

God help us. If we don’t wake up soon, and take our place in God’s army, there is little hope for our nation. The United States will go the way of every other formerly great civilization that has fallen from prominence and power.

But there is hope if we get serious about obeying God’s clear commands in this area. The time is short. We must act quickly and decisively. We can win if we wake up and act now.



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