


Tender Hearts

Lord, soften my heart. And make my heart and the hearts of all of my family members and loved ones to be tender towards you.

Heavenly Father, I humbly confess that my heart and the hearts of my family members and loved ones have not been tender towards you. And I confess that this hardness of heart is one of the reasons that we are experiencing the problems we now have.

Therefore, I cry out for mercy, Oh Lord. I ask you to forgive and to cleanse and to heal me and my family members. I plead the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and his finished work on the cross of Calvary as my only defense for our sins.

I ask you to send deep conviction of sin until we face the truth and repent. Send the fire of your Holy Spirit to burn away the impurities and to soften my heart and the hearts of my loved ones.

Break my heart, Oh Lord, and make me new. Make my heart, and the hearts of all of my loved ones, to be tender towards you. May our hearts burn with love for you and may we serve you with all our strength for the rest of our lives here on this earth.



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