
I am an amateur astronomer and I gaze into the heavens frequently. When I studied astronomy in college my interest in the subject was so strong that the other students in the class suggested that I should work in that field. So I looked into that possibility and found that the reason there are so many amateur astronomers is that there are not many jobs available in the field of astronomy. So I have had to be content to enjoy gazing at the sky on an amateur level. Considering my strong interest in astronomy it should not be surprising to learn that I am also fascinated with what the Bible says about the heavens.

 The Bible teaches that before Jesus returns to earth to set up his kingdom that there will be “signs in the heavens.” (Joel 2:30) That verse intrigues me and makes me wonder what those signs are? The Bible explicitly states that the sun and the moon will be darkened. But the Bible uses the word “signs’ not “sign.” Clearly there will be more than just that one sign. I wonder what those other signs might be.

 Since the Bible does not specifically say what these other signs are, a few years ago I came up with some signs that I would like to see in the heavens and I decided to ask God to make them happen. These three unusual prayer requests are:

Perpetual Full Moon

 I am praying that the moon will become perpetually a full moon. I am not asking that it change its orbit in any way. When I took my astronomy class in college I had to study the movement of the moon in the night sky. So I know that at the time of the new moon the moon is invisible or just a tiny sliver near the horizon in the western sky at sunset. Then it moves a little bit further east each night until two weeks later it reaches the full moon phase on the eastern horizon at sunset. I still want the moon to move thru the night sky the same way, but I want it to be in full moon phase every night. This actually should not be difficult if there really is a God. All He would have to do is bend the light around the earth so the moon would stay brightly lit with the light from the sun. Einstein predicted that light would bend around objects in space and other scientists later proved that he was right. If there really is a God, it should be no problem for Him to bend the light around the earth.

Moon Turns Around

 My second unusual prayer request is that the moon will turn around so we can see the far side of the moon from where we are here on the earth. For all of recorded history the same side of the moon has faced the earth. It doesn’t matter where in the world a person might be living; we all see the same side of the moon. However, in recent years, because of our space program we now know what the far side of the moon looks like, and we also know that it is not continually dark as some people have thought it was. But we can’t see it with our own physical eyes here on the earth. My request is that the moon will turn around without changing its orbit and show us the other side.

A Planet Changes Orbit

 My final prayer request is that one of the planets will change its orbit and swing by close enough to the earth so we can see it like we see the moon. At first thought this may appear to be impossible. However the one who put the planets in their orbits also has the power to change their orbits. Our scientists have done this same thing with our space program. They will send a rocket into space and put it in orbit around some object in space. Then when they’re done taking photos and collecting the data they wanted, they take the rocket out of orbit and send it out toward the next object they want to explore. If our scientists can do this with the rockets they have made, why would it be impossible for God to do the same thing with the planets He has made and put into orbit?

 Are these unusual prayer requests? Absolutely. But are they impossible? No. Not for God. If the God of the Bible actually exists, as I believe He does, then it would not be difficult for Him to answer any or all of these prayers. On the other hand, God is God and He can do whatever He wants. He could say ‘no” to my requests. But I figure that it can’t hurt to ask.

Posted June 1, 2016



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