


Whole Armor Of God

I put on the whole armor of God today so I will be able to stand in the evil day and still be standing when the shaking is all over. 
  • I put on the Helmet of salvation, so my mind will be protected against the attacks of Satan and his evil spirits. 
  • I put on the Breastplate of righteousness. I choose to live a righteous life, but I am not trusting in my own righteousness. I am trusting in the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ and I am clothed in his robe of righteousness. 
  • I put on the Belt of truth. I will boldly speak the truth in love at all times. And because I am wearing the belt of truth, I recognize truth when I hear it. I recognize truth when I read it. I recognize truth in the situations I encounter. I also recognize the lies and the liars.
  • I put on the Shoes of the gospel of peace. I thank you for the peace that your salvation gives me. And I ask you, father, to give me opportunities to share the gospel with other people who do not know you. 
  • I put on the Shield of faith. Increase my faith, Oh Lord. Increase my faith. 
  • I put on the Sword of the Spirit which is the spoken word of God, praying always.
And Father, I also ask you to cover all of my family members and loved ones with the whole armor of God.



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